Virtual commemoration
Martina Erlacher, Bundesvorsitzende der Katholischen Jungschar Österreich, und Samuel Haijes, ehrenamtlicher Vorsitzender der Katholischen Jungschar Diözese Linz sprechen darüber, was für ein "Niemals wieder" getan werden muss.
Dr. Wilfried Haslauer, Landeshauptmann von Salzburg, spricht in seinem Beitrag zum Virtuellen Gedenken über die Auswirkungen der Novellierung des Verbotsgesetzes.
In ihrem Beitrag zum Virtuellen Gedenken hebt die ÖH die Bedeutung von Erinnerungsarbeit, Berichte von Zeitzeug:innen und die Bildungsarbeit hervor, die die ÖH - Österreichische Hochschüler_innenschaft für ein "Niemals wieder" leistet.
International Liberation ceremony
Information about the International Commemoration and Liberation Celebration in Mauthausen on 11 May 2025.
Program & Topic
Agenda for the Commemoration and Liberation Celebrations all over Austria, Annual theme, and contributions to virtual commemoration 2024.
Commemorating the victims of Mauthausen Concentration Camp and its international significance. History of the concentration camp and the Mauthausen camp system, from its beginning up until the emergence of the CC memorial Mauthausen.
Mauthausen Guides
Educational programs about the history of the Mauthausen concentration camp and its satellite camps, as well as workshops. These programs are specifically designed for students from polytechnic schools, vocational school students, apprentices, young people from extracurricular organizations, young workers, and trainees, aiming to raise awareness of the past and promote the importance of remembrance work.
Satellite camp App
Information, photos, and videos about the history of approximately 49 satellite camps of the Mauthausen concentration camp, as well as contributions from camp survivors, can be found here. Downloading the app enables interactive tours.